

History and events

History and events

Aerial bombing, which targeted a power station tanks in July 29.

Suspension of trading on the company's shares in Palestine Stock Exchange on August 3, for the protection of shareholders and then return to the stock trading on 4 November.

Work on re-partial operation of the plant on 26 October.

Cooling tower rehabilitation. In addition, GPGC completed major overhauls for two gas turbines and one steam turbine and concluded the annual inspections for the other two gas turbines. for improved the plant efficiency and availability.

Successfully installing the remaining transformers by the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority (PENRA) to assimilate the full capacity.

Completing regular maintenance by Siemens on two of gas turbines and one steam turbine in March.

Succeeding in managing the power plant efficiently during the war on the Gaza Strip in November.

Conclusion of the periodic maintenance work by Seimens for one of the gas and team turbines at the end of 2011.

Launched the community section POSITIVE, which supports all non-profit organizations and encourages community work at all levels.

Establishment of Palestine Power Generating Company in the West bank in collaboration with partners and investors from a consortium of sectors in Palestine..

Finalised all main maintenance work for turbines and ensured safe operations.

Main maintenance of the power plant done.

Installation of the final transformer as part of the repairing work, post 2006 events.

Air attack targeted the power plant transformers in June.

PEC Shares suspended from trading to protect the shareholders but returned to normal trading in November.

Re-Operation of the power plant commenced in October.

First dividend distribution to shareholders.

Commercial Operation of the power plant at 140 MW.

First General Assembly Meeting conducted.

Started Trading on the Palestine Securities Exchange.

Establishment of the Palestine Electric Company P.L.C.